Saturday, 4 July 2009


So, I'm helping my nana do some GARDENING, and she's like "Yo, Hannah, my favourite grandchild in the world, I got some other ppl to help" and then BLINK 182 FLY DOWN. Well not fly, but they descend into my nana's garden, right next to that table she made out of a tree stump, because she is SO CREATIVE. Anyway, they don't even help my nana garden, they just sit around eating angel slices in her kitchen (the angel slices are the only bit of this dream that I can clearly remember, I like angel slices. they are better than lemon slices and all the rest, because they are infused with the TASTE OF ANGELS). My nana goes akka, and starts swinging digs.

And this is it.


this lady is not my nana, btw. she's just some woman in unpractical shoes.

Friday, 3 July 2009


So, I'm chilling on Charlotte's drive, after defeating some kind of ALIEN ENEMY, or something idk now, cos i forget these things, but these were evil enemies. Anyway I am chillin' and I have a MONKEY BABY. The monkey baby basically just looks like little monkey lost (LIKE THE PICTURE, LIKE) and I think it may be influenced by having such kinda creepy, KINDA CUTE, toys in my childhood. Anyway, am chillin' with my homies and my monkey baby (which is hanging around my neck), and we all suddenly start chanting MONKEY BABY! MONKEY BABY! This is probably because of the whole fact that we have a FUCKING MONKEY BABY AND IT'S REALLY AWESOME.

I woke up shouting MONKEY BABY! MONKEY BABY!