Monday, 24 August 2009


i had a dream that i drank the biggest cup of tea in the world and i was totally famous cos of it. like kids were on the news talking about my FEAT and saying that they were in training to BE JUST LIKE THEIR HERO - which is me. because i drank a lot of tea. (milk, no sugar).

this dream is probably representative of my totally deep seated love for tea and totally deep seated hunger for fame. or it means i fancy my mam, idk rly, dreams are weird.
me, both last night and right now and in 50 years time.
not really i'm gonna be on of those fatty old ladies. they're always so much cuter on the 'old lady scale of cute' unless it's a really skinny really LITTLE one. but chubby little ones win that anyway, AND THEY KNOW IT. as for old men, they need to have huge ears and a huge nose and look slightly hilarious, then it's kinda AWWH LOOKA THESE OLD PEOPLE. patronising? NO WAY JOSE.

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